dust in water


I just got a new tank, and I think I made a fatal mistake
I forgot to clean the tank with water before mixing the salt with RO water.
I prepared the salt water 3 days ago and I saw a lot of particles in the water. I thought the particles were undisolved salt, but I now know it is probably debris/dust particles.
I am panicking, because the LS and LR are arriving tomorrow.
Should I empty the tank and mix new water, or should I leave it alone and let the debris mix with the LS?
If I start over, will the LS and LR be harmed by salt water that has not mixed/aerated overnight? Will only few hours of aeration be okay?
Anybody got any ideas?


Thanks, but I forgot to mention that I only have a CPR2 Bak Pack sikmmer and power heads.
Do you think the skimmer will get it? Or will the power heads and skimmer just blow the dust around?


Active Member
As the previous poster stated leave it alone! Your tank is new and clean now but it will be dirty before you know it. Eventually after you go through several phases of algae that dies off it turns to kind of a grayish dust anyway. If you go to the beginner's section of my website (address below) I have a section on some things to expect with your new tank that might help ease your mind a little. Good luck!


Active Member
Like they said leave it. Your tank has to cycle anyways and the dust will settle by the time it cycles. I just wouldn't add any life to the tank if i were you untill things settle down.