Duster Colony Compatibility?


New Member
I recently purchased a feather duster colony from a private seller. When I recieved it in the mail, most of the water had leaked out and the box smelled terrible. Of course, I think all of the dusters were dead but I acclimated and put the rock in my tank just in case. 2 days later and no signs of feather dusters. However, my scarlet hermits have been all over the rock and I think they've just about cleared the rock of the tubes (which were disentigrating anyway). So.....I have 2 questions:
1. I could possibly have a new colony sent if I pay shipping again. Were the hermits attracted to the dead worms or would they destroy a living colony? I also have a serpent and brittle star which I've heard might destroy the dusters?
2. I really like the look of all the small dusters in a tank. Do I have to get rid of all hermits and stars to have them?
I appreciate any advice you can offer.


Active Member
Do you mean like a duster cluster that they sell on this site? Cause I've tried two of those and my hermits devoured them the first night. I have the big dusters though and they never bother those.


Active Member
They usually dont eat live ones. Use a regular sw shipper, transporting livestock is best left to the pros. It will be cheaper and more rewarding in the long run.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
They usually dont eat live ones. Use a regular sw shipper, transporting livestock is best left to the pros. It will be cheaper and more rewarding in the long run.

A couple of other people on here told me that their hermits ate their clusters too. I know mine was alive cause I saw the worms spinning the feathers around.


New Member
Yes, I do mean the clusters of small (nickel size) dusters. I think I'll stay away from them for now. Thanks for the info.


New Member
I have multiple dusters and at least 3 types of hermits and have had no problems.. Guess I just lucky


Active Member
In one of my tanks I have a duster and all kinds of crabs. No problems here with the blue or red legged crabs bothering him.
I've never seen either type of crab bother a duster in the LFS for that matter. I wonder why the problem though. Any ideas? Maybe they are underfed?
If the duster came DOA, I can see why a crab would feast on it though. Perhaps the worm abandoned the tube it was in after you got it in the tank and maybe you'll see a duster re-appear in a week or so with a new tube. Who knows?
Denise M.