Duster Placement...


Active Member
I got a Hawian Feather Duster as a gift and was wondering How/Where to place him in the tank...
Options being...
Stuck up on a rock...how to secure?
Laying on the sand bed...
Burried in the sand...How deep?
The "crown" spreads out about 3-4" and the tube is about 10" long...6" harder curved tube and 4" softer clear "foot"


Active Member
I believe in nature they live on the sanbed with just the top of the tube exposed, They will dig down in the sand or attach to the rocks. I also have mine in a slow current area, mine is on the sandbed with its tube back into the rock structure.


Sand bottom is best but carfull not to let it touch on glass like this. I have hard time cleaning glass since it is attached to it.


Active Member
Ok, I put him in the nano on the bottom in the sand...
I "buried" him about an inch down with about an inch and a half of tube sticking out of the sand...
Medium/low flow area..just enough to lightly "rustle" his feathers.
He opens and closes on a "regular" basis...I assume this is normal? Extending to catch/retracting to eat?


Active Member
I like the "look" of just the "crown" sticking out of the rocks like that...
I may move him later as I add peices to the tank...
Do they eventually "attach" themselves to something...(like naturelover's did to the glass) ? or will I need to "wedge" him or "glue' him in?
nevermind...:eek: ...you answered that...:)