dwarf angel with eel?


i have a 37 FOWLR and it has only a snowflake moray. Could i add a dwarf angel of some type with it? preferably a flame, singapore, eibliis, or lemonpeel. would this work? also, would a small puffer work in the long run?


Active Member
at my lfs they have some full grown zebra eels in the tank with flames but i wouldnt recomend it because the snowflakes grow up to be one of the more aggressive eels and angels are varry delicate


Active Member
snowflakes grow up to be one of the more aggressive eels and angels are varry delicate
Sorry, but that is just plain bad advice. Along with zebras, snowflakes are probably the most well suited eel to a community tank. Is a 37 36x12x18? How established is the tank? You'll need pretty good filtration (eels eating and angels needs.) You could probably do that, just go for one of the hardier dwarfs, and always feed the eel with a stick. Bo


i have an aquaclear 500 and its 30L, i think either 18 or 12 high and 12 deep. i could fit a skimmer in there which im willing to get. the skimmer isnt it great condition though.


Active Member
Along with zebras, snowflakes are probably the most well suited eel to a community tank.
I mostly agree with Grouperhead here, but be sure your snowflake is too small to eat the fish--'cause you never know with morays! I'd get a specimen 8 inches or less for safety sake. A Flame would be a nice fish to add...doesn't get too large, and many now are aqua-cultured. :)
If I were you, I would definately get a skimmer. Some eel-keepers disagree, but eels are very messy eaters (even the little guys) and you should see the slime I pulled out of my skimmer when all I had in the tank was a snowflake and a wrasse...ick!