Dwarf angels


New Member
I previously posted about keeping 2 tangs in a 150gal. FO tank. Which i was glad to hear is possible...but now my fellow hobbyists..:> ).....I would love to hear from those who have had sucess with keeping 2 pygmy angels in this size of a tank. Heard it was poss. but would like to hear from experience. The 2 I am interested in are the Flame angel and the flame-back angel. Similar in size, but different color.(fuschia-vs-blue/orange) Hoping the difference in color might make this easier if I were to add them simultaneously.


I don't have any experience with a tank of that size, but I know that it was a disaster in my 45 - my LFS didn't warn me and I hadn't found this BB yet. May my beautiful Flame angle RIP :( Good luck


not much experience with that size of a tank, but have read that the flame is one of the more aggressive dwarf angels. that may cause you a problem.

here fishy

I have seen two dwarf angels kept in a tank your size down here in several shops...I believe the key will be to have lots of nooks and crannies for them to be able to stake a spot..If after a while they want the same area, move your rock around a little bit to break up the territory. I will be curious to see what others say about this practice :cool:


I think you should be fine in a 150g. Just make sure you have a lot of rocks and hiding spots and caves. I would introduce them to the tank at the same time. I have a yellow tang and a sailfin right now in my 75g and they're doing ok. I know I'll have to get a bigger tank soon, but you get the idea.


I had a Coral Beauty and a Bicolor Angel in a 70 gallon f/o and there was no hostility between the two until they were both wiped out by ick! But up until that point they seemed to get along fine despite the occasional challenge of each other (nothing reallly happened though) So seeing that your tank is twice the size of mine, than yeah I'd say its possible. Just make sure they have plenty of hiding spaces!


Active Member
I had the same two in my 55 Gallon tank and they really didn't mind each other. thier so strikingly different I don't think they knew they were of the same species. I lost them the same way as Aquarius - my first vacation away from the tank and when I returned the ich was too intrenched. the LPS distributor I use says these tow can live together as long as there is enough food for both.


I kept a flame and a flame back together together in my 90 gallon,they were added about a week apart from each other,they did fine together they even roamed the tank together.I was mad when I had to get rid of them when I moved the tank to my new house.