Dwarf Angels


I havent bought any yet but was considering what fish to put in my tank. I really like the Flame Angel and the Coral Beauty. Is it possilbe to have them both? Under there bio on this website it says to keep 1 per tank, now is that for 2 of the same species or ALL dwarf angels.


Generally its for all Dwarfs. It is possible to get away with having 2 Dwarfs at the same time, I have seen it done many times but its risky.


Active Member
I have both the Flame and the Coral beuty... just in different tanks
I would hate to have to choose one over the other, there both great fish. todd


going to depend on the fish. most people would say only 1 dwarf per tank, however, my brother succesly kept the flame and coral beauty in a 75gl. he introduced them at the same time and they were the same size. it's risky, but can be done. I personally wouldn't try it. would hate to see one kill the other.


New Member
i too was wondering about angels...would it be possible to have a dwarf angel like a flame and also have like a juv emperor or juv koran?


yes, that is absolutely fine as long as you have a tank large enough to support a big angle and are not planning to have any corals-the majority of angels are not reef safe.


Active Member
I would keep two dwarfs in a 150, but nothing smaller.
the coral beauty is more peaceful and more secretive and will probably spend most of the time behind rocks. the flame is a little more rowdy and more out in the open.


Active Member

Originally posted by gati
-the majority of angels are not reef safe.

the majority of dwarf angels are reef safe as long as they are well fed.


I would not go that route. I made the mistake with the help of my LFS, they said I could put a flame with my coral beauty. After I put him in they fought like crazy. Before I was able to get the coral out the damage was done!! The Flame nipped the fins off the beauty. I pulled him out and put in a qt but it was to late. all this in a couple of days. My bad should have resurched it my self before just buying on impulse. "DON'T DO IT SAVE A FISH"