Dwarf Angels


New Member
Most books and other sources on Angelfish that I've referred to have said that you can only keep a single angel (or a male and femal pair of the same species of angels) in a tank. But I found dwarf angels so attractive that I decided to introduce a coral beauty and a potter's angel into my 150 gallon tank. Initially, the beauty chased the potter's around, but after a few days, they settled down and now they often graze the same live rock without incident. I'm thinking of adding one more dwarf - a Lemon Peel - to the tank. I'd add it at the same time I add some additional rock and move the existing rock around.
Has anyone has similar success with multiple angels in a tank?


Active Member
Lets see here in my 150 right now I have a Singapore Angel and a Coral Beauty for my Dwarfs and a Koran and a Emporer as my large ones. Now if you want to see what can be done Look for posts and threads by CCampbell or The thread so it begins all 10 feet of it were he shows pics of his angel school as I call it.

crypt keeper

Active Member
its still hit or miss with angels large or small. Large angels will leave dwarfs alone. They wont attack them or kill them. Yeah they will run them off every once in a while but that happens with any fish who dominates the tank. 150 6 foot tank is plenty IMO for 3 dwarfs.