dwarf anglefish


Active Member
Does anyone know if a Bicolor Angel and a Coral Beauty can peacefully coexist in a 55 gallon tank.


anything is POSSIBLE with fish but i wouldnt try it. although they have different shapes, they share the same colors. like i said thoug it is POSSIBLE.
good luck
flame :D


I would definitely watch them really closely for the first couple of days, but you probably can get them to co-exsist together. If they get really aggressive toward one another, just more the rocks around some and that will give them some nuetral territory to work with.


I have both a coral beauty and a bicolor together in a 70 gallon f/o w/o lr and I can't say that things are going too well. I bought each about a month ago and since day one neither has eaten except pick off the algae in the tank. The Coral Beauty's eyes clouded up and I just found the bicolor cruched up in the coral and breathing heavily. When they first went in there was a bit of a challenge between the two but after things calmed down it was ok. You're risking it because your tank is smaller but it all depends on the particular fish you purchase. good luck!


your biggest mistake was getting two angels without live rock,they do not thrive in a tank without live rock.


I have a flame and koran in a 75g f/o without live rocks and they are thriving and healthy. Both are eating, pecking on the algae, and swimming through caves. When you put the fish in, make sure it is dark and try re-arranging the rocks to confuse the fish. It should be O.K. My problem was with my sailfin tang. It attacked the Koran the first couple of days, but now they're like best friends.


Active Member
I for one would not try it. I had a flame and a bi-color in a 125 w/ plenty of hiding places and l/r, and the bi-color was abused. Took him out and set up a 55g for him and others and he's doing fine. I wouldn't chance it.


I would have to agree that you do not need LR to keep a dwarf angel. They are perfectly happen in a tank as long as there is algae to graze on and places to hide.
[ October 21, 2001: Message edited by: Beecher ]


New Member
The might as their colors are somewhat different and you bought them at the same time. I tried a Bi-color with an existing lemonpeel and the lemonpeel never left the bi-color alone. He constantly beat it up. I had to return the bi-color. I have a flame and lemonpeel in a 55 gal though. They do well. The flame sometimes chases the lemonpeel, but it nothing compared to what the lemonpeel did to the bi-color.
I wouldn't do it unless you bought them at the same time.


They can live w/o live rock. I have had a Koran for over a year and just now about a month ago started putting live rock in it.