Dwarf Angles


New Member
I have a 40 gallon FOWLR tank. I tried adding a Coral Beauty Angles in with my Pygmy Angle and it keeps chasing the Pygmy. Do they eventually get used to each other, or will the Pygmy eventually get tired and die? Can you put any Dwarf Angles together?


Active Member
Your tank is not suited to keeping more than one centropyge angel. In large systems, they sometimes "tolerate" each other, but then again, in many cases they simply fight. Choose one and call it a day.


I have a coral beauty, bi-color angel and a flame angel all in one of my reef tanks. To solve your problem, here's whatcha do. Change your tank around; all the rocks, corals, whatever. Just make it look like a completely different tank. Whom ever is doing the chasing and being a bully is just showing the other angels that he is the boss of this tank. So if you change it around, it will no longer be "his tank". This trick has worked several different times. It's worked with my tangs, clowns and angels. Hope it works for you


Active Member
Andretti, how big is your tank? I bought a bicolor angel today and would love to have a flame. I have a 55.