Dwarf fuzzy lionfish blind??


I recently bought a dwarf fuzzy lionfish and I think he may be blind.. He seems to be able to see but only about 3 inchs in front of him and his eyes have kinda a bluish reflective glare to them and they have been this way since He was delievered at my door?? We pretty much hafta put ghost shrimp right in front of him to get him to eat them.. I have never had this type of fish before so is this normal?? he is only about 2 inches in size??


Blue eyes are normal. I would give the feeding issue some time. Post a pic if you can -- I doubt anything is out of the ordinary, but if you're really concerned it would help us to have a picture.
Edit: I'm not sure if posting links like this are allowed, but take a look at this page. Scroll down to the fuzzies, and look at picture 7 and 7a.


Ok thanks, his eyes do look just like that, I guess im just worried about the little guy.. I give him somemore time and see what happends


Give your lion time to settle in, if you are feeding ghost shrimp, make sure you feed them something nutritional (Pellets, flakes, cyclopezee, meaty foods and so on....) before feeding them to your lion.
If you do not have a feeder stick, you can pick one up from your LFS, try small krill, frozen sand eels, small chunks of scallops and raw shrimp. Be patient, it will come around, they can be very shy at first.
Good Luck,