Dwarf lion fish


I asked this in the nano tank thread because the subject arose, but I think I will get more replies here
I have a 38 gallon that I will be setting up soon and when its time to have lifestock, I eventually want
2 Percula Clowns
1 Dwarf Lion Fish
1 Dwarf Flame Angel
Do you guys think I have enough room for these four and do you think they'll get along? ( I know all fish have different personalities but Im talking about in general)
Also do Dwarf Lion Fish require some sort of special equipment or anything like that?
I was thinking of putting my two percula clowns in first and letting them grow alittle, but do you guys think I should/could put the Flame angel and Dwarf Lion together at the same time?


as long as the clowns arent big enough to fit in the lions mouth you should be ok with that IMO as for the dwarf angel that would be fine my fuzzy dwarf is in with a coral beauty and they are fine together.


Active Member
IMO you should be fine. I have all of those fishes in my 65 and they are doing great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ZoëJeun
Also do Dwarf Lion Fish require some sort of special equipment or anything like that?
What do you mean?


Lol I dont know what I meant actually, I suppose I was asking about anything in particular that I needed to know.
I'm glad that those fish will work well together
And they will have enough room in a 38 g too?


-lures in expert people in with cookies-
Dwarf lion fish arent safe with inverts are they? Will they pick at all the contents of a regular cleaning crew? And do they try to mess around with coral?


Active Member
I think those fish will work fine. I would put the 2 clowns in first. Let them establish the tank a bit and grow to a nice size. Then you should add the lionfish. I would do a fuzzy dwarf since they stay the smallest and are the most friendly anyway (as well as the least aggressive, in my experience). Then, let the tank go for a little longer to a point where it is becoming "established". This is when you want to add the angel. I would say at the six-eight month mark would be appropriate. Make sure you have a lot of live rock in the tank for both the lion and the angel. The angel is a grazer and needs the rock, whereas the lion likes the protection of caves.
I do not see a problem in this fish combo. You can easily do hermits and snails. Your lion will not bother these. Do not try to add shrimp though. The lion will snack on them. Also, lions do not mess with corals, but angels will.
Any more questions?


I have 2 dwarf lions in my 38g with inverts and everyone is alive.
BTW, does anyone know what specific type of dwarf lions these are? Thanks!



Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
no, zebra dwarf.
But he resembles my antennata. Are they similar?