dwarf lion questions..

do you thinkn that a dwarf lion will be okay with clowns that about the same size?
i have no shrip or crabs in my tank except for hermits and snails, the dwarf should be okay??
how fast do they grow and how long do they live?
just trying to get some answers before getting one. any other advice would be helpfull.
thanks josh


I have a fuzzy dwarf, good size too, I've had her for over 6 months. For the past 3 months, she's been in a tank with a pair of maroon clowns. The female maroon is almost the same size as the lion but the male is less than half the size and he's fine. The lion never showed any interest in eating him. But this could just be because I'm lucky (or the clown is lucky lol), I don't know.
how many feeder shrimp should i give him while feeding him. i know three times a week, but how much per feeding time??


Feeder shrimp and other fresh water feeders like guppies are bad for lionfish. Try getting it to eat healthier foods like cut up raw shrimp, krill, slversides and squid.


Most people use ghost shrimp which are not nutritious enough for lions.
hes addictted to shrimp. i tryed silver sides, but he wants nothing to with them. but as soon as that shrimp hits the water he goes crazy over it. ill try to train him over some time. i just got him.


Originally Posted by goober_hunter
hes addictted to shrimp. i tryed silver sides, but he wants nothing to with them. but as soon as that shrimp hits the water he goes crazy over it. ill try to train him over some time. i just got him.

Mine used to do the same thing. First I let him wait a couple of days to get good and hungry since he refused all but freshwater. Then I put one live one in which got gulped immediately then, I put a dead saltwater shrimp on a stick and waved it around in front of him like he was alive and it also was gone immediately. Since then no problem with the saltwater shrimp. Good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Most people use ghost shrimp which are not nutritious enough for lions.
Any fish needs a varied diet. Ghost Shrimp can be part of this variation. They aren't bad though. FW Fish are bad because of the way their bodies retain fat.


In my personal experience, if you feel a lion live food, you'll have a very hard time trying to get it to eat anything that's dead/frozen. That's why I said ghost shrimp are bad because as long as you feed them, the lion won't eat anything else and it can't live long on ghost shrimp alone.
Plus, the longer you feed ghost shrimp, the harder it'll be to get the lion to eat frozen stuff.
okay ill try a varity of foods. they are really cool fish. he still trying to find his place in the tank. the tang and him are trying to see who is king.
thanks for the help...


Active Member
i posted this pic in your other thread but i'll post it here too...
i got him already eating frozen food...you can also try and gut-load your feeder shrimp before you feed the lion...this will help with the nutrition factor...
just a quick pic of the new addition to the tank. love him. still trying to get him to eat silver sides, he not wanting them. hes loving the shrimp.

noah's nemo

Cool fish..I really want one.Are you not worried then,about him someday making snacks of all your other fish.Thats what is holding me back.I have 2 percs,RG ,6 line,flamehawk,and a YT..What all do you have?


I also have a pair of false percs, my fuzzy dwarf is about 3 inches. My male perc are not even half the lionfishes size. Maybe he is lucky.
yes iam worried, but its something i wanted. i learned you got to take chances with this hobby. nothing is curtain in this hobby. every fish acts different. as of yet the lion and tang are feeling each other out , the tang is 3 times bigger. i have three clowns and 2 are males and one is female. the males keep the lion away from the female. its cool to watch. none of the fish have been real aggressive. everything seems to be okay for now.
just got to keep an eye on them. one thing i have noticed while feeding him is that his mouth is really big. he could maybe one day eat my clowns. but thats at a later date.
good luck, with what ever you choose.
bad news guys,
hes not doing well today. came home and he was on the sand bed breathing really hard. i left him alone, come back about 30 mins later and hes floating head up at the top of the water. i thought he died so i went to get him out and he swam down then floating but up the the top. ill keep you posted.