Dwarf Lion won't eat


The LFS had him for about 2 weeks before I got him. They did not feed him live food but the frozen packs. I am doing the same but he's not going after it. I've had him about 4 days. Any suggestions?


are you sure they actually had it feeding on dead frozen foods? you witnessed it yourself? I ask becuz most LFS just dump live rosey reds or live ghost shrimp to feed lionfish. Anyway, i suspect your dwarf has no clue that whatever your feedin is food. (what are you feeding it by the way?)
If you have access to PE frozen mysis you might try that or importantly try live ghost shrimp, this will stimulate his feeding response then try to wean the fish over


I've only had my A. lion for about a week and it won't eat anything but live ghost shrimp. When I place frozen krill, the fish just follows it to the bottom of the tank and looks at me! Try the ghost shrimp to stimulate the fish's appetite, then try some frozen krill or silversides. I've heard that it can take up to 6 months to convert the fish to totally dead stuff. I'm going to try the silversides and dangle them over the edge so the lion still thinks they're alive. We'll see. Good luck!


I had the same problem with my dwarf lion. Except i fed him dryed shrimp and used a feeder pole and gave it to him. A skewer (like 1 for eating) will also work.


My A.lion took a good month and a half to get to eat frozen. I got so frustated! I, like most, started with live ghost shrimp. I used my net to put the shrimp into the tank. Over time my lion associated that with food and would come up and actually go into the net to get the shrimp. That took about 3 weeks. Then one day I bought 6 minnows along with the shrimp. I fed him a few shrimp and then threw in a minnow which he gobbled right up. The next feeding I threw in a few thawed silversides with the shrimp. I had to wiggle them by using the net to stimulate the motion the minnows made and he then ate them to. Now he will eat anything I drop in the water. If you try this method turn off PH's and in the beginning and only get one shrimp at a time and let it out as close to the lion as possible. He might not pick up on the fact that the foods coming from the net right away but he will eventually. Also, I'm not sure if using minnows was even nessicary but they looked like silversides so I gave them a whirl. If you decide to try live minnows DON'T use them prolongly. I only used them one time and prolonged feeding of freshwater feeders can damage your lion internally. Anyway G/L:cheer: