Dwarf Lionfish with shrimp


New Member
Has anyone had any luck keeping dwarf lionfish with any type of shrimp? Everything I have read says that it might eat my shrimp. I already have a lionfish, and would like to get some shrimp but I am afraid of them becoming dinner. My lionfish only eats frozen brine at this point, and is very picky at that, only will eat one brand. :nope: Everyone has told me that my lionfish will be safe in my reef but because of their nature I am a little worried. Has anyone had any luck keeping both?

fat cat

New Member
I was told the same thing at the LFS, they will tell you anything to make money. So I as a newbie at the time I believed them. My dwarfed lionfish was originally nice small little guy that lived off frozen food. He grew and so did his appetite. $90 later in shrimp forced me to return him to were I got him, and told them the were full of S$#t he was reef safe... They will eat what they can fit in there mouths. I also know he was the culprit because I actually saw him attack one. The shrimp were fire shrimp.


Active Member
i have a 3" dwarf lion fish with a cleaner shrimp and he pays no attention to him at all as if he thinks hes food.... he actually goes up to the cleaner every night and allows him to be cleaned opens his mouth and all and lets the cleaner have his way....
its wierd cuz i use to have a small panther grouper and didnt realize those guys ate shrimp until i put a new red shrimp in there he swallowed it whole and the shrimp was only a lil smaller than him.....
what i would do is make sure u get a smaller dwarf and a decent size shrimp.... if the dwarf grows up being smaller than the cleaner or shrimp he wont see it as food.... its only when u introduce a new shrimp later on that the dwarf might think its food and go after it...
good luck :D


I have a 3inch volitan lionfish and my 2 1/2inch cleaner shrimp is doing fine. The lionfish looks at it from time to time thinking that its dinner.lol He will eat anything that fits in his mouth. If your shrimp is big enough, then i wouldnt worry but if its small i would take one of them out.