dwarf lions in 29 gallon


Active Member
could i keep a dwarf lion & a radiata lion in a 29 gallon
Also could you guys suggest some good lions for my tank


Active Member
I'd suggest one for the 29g, or two in a 55g.
Good species would be dwarf zebra, fuzzy dwarf, radiata, antennata, fu manchu. If you upgraded to the 55 you could do two of the above species, or one Russells.
I had a single one in a 29g for a while, he did really well and was pretty active for a dwarf.


Active Member

Originally posted by connor
would about 2 dwarfs

That's what I was saying above. One dwarf would do well in a 29, two would do well if you had a 55g.
Dwarfs are prone to bacterial infections, esp popeye, which result from lower water qualitys and flucuating tank levels. Putting two in a 29T would be pushing the limit. My rule of thumb is about 30g per dwarf lion.