Dwarf Seahorses


Active Member
Does anyone have these dwarf seahorses? It is said that they recommend 5 dwarf seahorses in like a 2 gallon tank, is that right?
What size tank would you recommend for:
Pot Bellied Seahorse (Tank Raised)
Barbour’s Seahorse (Tank Raised) - Hippocampus barbouri A.K.A.: Zebra-snout Seahorse


Active Member
pot's need HUGE tanks(for seahorses)! I mean like an ubber tall 50 gallon for like 1 or 2 pairs,and they need a chiller, they are also hard to find
barbs need a chiller, and a tall 29, and hard to find.
yes, in fact that ratio may be just a little on the low side, because you have to hatch BS daily, and so you need a lot in a small area, so that you don't have to hatch a whole lot, cause they eat about 5,000 bs a day. If you don't have a lot of horses in a small place, then you will have to hatch alot more than 5000 for each horse, because you have to hatch more so that each horse can get the amount they need.


Active Member
Yes, you would need several xtra tanks for bs.
Now if i had to reccomend any seahorse as a beginner, it would be those lovely erectus, They need a tank of 29 gallons (a tall one, like 21-25" tall), they are "tropical"(temprature wise), they are pretrained on frozen mysis, and easily found. They are also one of the easiest to breed.


Active Member
Those look neat too! Well heres the deal, I really want to get another tank, but dont have much room. I was thinking if I redid my room I could get a 30 gallon tank in here! I was thinking lionfish, but you cant put much in that tank. The erects looks neat. Now, I am considering seahorses! Can you put more than one type of seahorse together?


Active Member
nope, just one really, unless when you order em they both have lived in the same tank their whole life.
well, IMO I would just get one pair in a tank, and get some tankmates, like cardinals, or a jawfish!


Active Member
I'm not sure about my nitrates, but we keep my house at 75 degrees. Wait, why do you only recommend two of those guys in a 30 gallon tank? do they fight or something?


Active Member
wait... their are reidi and kuda
kuda- smaller, but more expensive
reidi-cheap, but will need a taller tank than an erectus


I have a pair of kudas. Be sure teh horses you buy are from a reputable site that has trained them on frozen(!!!!!) or you personally SEE the LFS feed them frozen mysis (not brine!)
Seahorses (like kuda, erectus and reidi, anyway), are actually not as hard as all the misinformation out there. You just need a nice, clean tank, captive-bred specimens (a MUST!), and be a good, conscientious feeder (at least twice a day).
You can mix species if they're all from the same climate and all tank bred, but I've found it's more interesting to see the "communities" formed by groups of the same species -- check out seahorse.org... and like people have said, you have to be careful about overstocking horses' tanks...
Best of luck, and definitely check out the .org.


i disagree with celacanthr. On seahorse.org, i read that you can keep a pair of erectus per 10 gallons... so that'd be 6 erectus in a 30 gallon tank. Now, mind you, this is assuming you have the proper filtration to keep 6 fish in a small tank like that... You should definately have a fuge or sump, to increase the amount of water your system has. I would suggest a hex tank. They're tall enough, and they don't take up that much room.
as for the tank mates, i strongly suggest only having seahorses in a tank, as other tankmates, like a cardinal or jawfish, will quickly grab up all of the food, risking starvation of the seahorses.


Active Member
I am asking this question for a friend: Can you keep seahorses with clown fish?
What type of setup is needed to keep seahorses?