Dwarth Loin Fish


New Member
Is a 40 gallon setup with a dwarth loin and a snowflake ell ok? Or is that overdoing it?

mr . salty

Active Member
Hey HOSS,I'm moving this over to the Aggressive page.I'm sure it will get lot's of responces over there...


Active Member
Those 2 would work but that would be all you could do in that tank. A snow gets 24 to 30 inches and a dwarf lion probably 3 to 5 inches (depending on which one). Most reference books state a 30 gal is mim for a snowflake.


NO inverts with those fish. If you add those fish, the lion and the eel would have a nice seafood dinner. ;)


I had a snowflake that ate snails, but yeah they're cheap and you can probably afford to give it a shot. He wouldn't always eat them, just sometimes I'd catch him sticking his mouth right down the snails shell. I'd get a few snails to try it and see what happens. You'll probably be okay doing so. As for the hermits, they also add to making the tank dirty so you will want to be careful to not add them in the numbers you would add snails. Personally I wouldn't put crabs in with them and I'd just get snails, but you can perhaps get one or two of them. HTH


Just from experience, unless you have some really good filtration I wouldn't reccomend those fish in that tank. My setup was a 49 gal with ONLY a purcupine pufferfish in it and keeping the water levels good is near impossible, especially with all the "poop" the bigger aggressive fish have. They are messy eaters and your tank will show for it. A protein skimmer, some kind of mechanical filtration, and LS/LR will help, and thats as a minimum. Don't pay extra for live rock with a lot of growth on it because more than likely they'll just eat it anyway. Just posting this so you have an idea of what might be ahead. Those fish can live in "poorer" water qualities but it's still not healthy for them and can lead to problems down the road. Just some thoughts...


I disagree, with a decent filtration system you can easily keep a dwarf and a snowflake. Of course a full grown snowflake will look kinda crowded years down the road. But these two can not be compared to a porc puffer. Puffers are messy eaters, which neither the dwarf or snowflake are since they eat their food whole. Secondly, I've had puffers and their notorious for "passing their bowels" frequently throughout the day. Neither the snowflake or lion will do this. I actually got rid of a puffer because I thought they were too messy. Trust me, the bottom line is...if you keep your water levels good (pH, salinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc) along with good filtration, which go hand in hand then your tank will be fine. Porc puffers also grow a lot larger then a dwarf lion. HTH