I disagree, with a decent filtration system you can easily keep a dwarf and a snowflake. Of course a full grown snowflake will look kinda crowded years down the road. But these two can not be compared to a porc puffer. Puffers are messy eaters, which neither the dwarf or snowflake are since they eat their food whole. Secondly, I've had puffers and their notorious for "passing their bowels" frequently throughout the day. Neither the snowflake or lion will do this. I actually got rid of a puffer because I thought they were too messy. Trust me, the bottom line is...if you keep your water levels good (pH, salinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc) along with good filtration, which go hand in hand then your tank will be fine. Porc puffers also grow a lot larger then a dwarf lion. HTH