Dying Anemone???



Hey guys, my 29 gallon Oceanic BioCube is 2 months old paramters are :
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.4
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
Lighting is :
1 - 36 Watt True Actinic 03 Blue straight pin
1 - 36 Watt 10,000 K Daylight Straight Pin
3 - .75 watt Lunar Blue Moon Glow Led
GPH 243 gph
I currently have 1 conch snail, 5 hermit crabs, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 clown fish and 1 condy anemone.
My anemone is shriviling up and turning grey at night....when i turn lighst on it gets bigger but has yet to return to its original bright white color.... it has moved around and is set between 2 pieces of live rock directly below the output nozzle. Can anyone tell me why my anemone is doing this. Lights stay on about 8 hours a day.

jessi p

Without knowing a whole LOT about anemones, I do know that white in anemone's is a sign of a loss of zooxanthellae (sp), which is what keeps the anemone alive. You want them to be more yellower/tan than white. So it could be that your anemone's health is improving. It could be trying to move closer to the light source for more light - I don't know enough about lights to know if you have enough light for it or not.
Disclaimer - this is about the only thing I know about anemones, based on my experience with a sebae anemone. I do not know if there are any kinds of anem that are better when they are brighter white.


Get the anemone out of there! It is way too soon for an anemone to be in that tank. They need near perfect params and IMO and 2 month old tank is not nearly established enough for an anemone. Where did you get it ? Can you return it? What are you feeding it?