dying clowns



so here is the situation...about 2 weeks ago i purchased a pair of small clowns (A. ocellaris) from a local fish store...i should have known better the place wasn't really clean and i thought i picked the healthiest ones in the tank, also the tank had a few dead in the tank but against my better judgement i did it anyway well needless to say both died about 3 days later..the first one to die had a few small white spots when i went back to the store to get my money back i noticed the tank i got mine out of the remaining had ich...anyway i went to a better store purchased another pair of healthy, i aske to see them eat and they ate and were active...i got them home acclimated the pair very slowly over about 2 or 3 hours...both did well the first few days being active and feeding and after a few days i noticed small white spots again on one of the clowns so i treated the tank with ICK AWAY from wardley well the original one with spots got more and the other had few none on the other fish....after the first treatment all of the fish stopped eating and the both clowns started breathing rapidly and had a stringy white feces coming off it...one had trouble swimming right and the other was swimming fine still not eating but active...after a day or two the first one died i started researching other types of parasites...did another treatment of ichaway done more reseach and decided to purchase some parasite clear by jungle labs and now the soul survivor is on the verge of dying soon.....I am out of ideas and havent a clue what is going on with my clowns....I also have a 3stripe damsel, yellow tail damsel, a 6 line wrasse, a cleaner shrimp, 7 types of corals and several hermits and snails....all are happy and doing their thing...i would greatly appreciate any and all advice or suggestions
new to aqauriums and currently frustrated and confused
Thank you for your time
PS....water quality tested good, temperature is about 76 and SG is about 1.023


With inverts the only safe treatment in a bottle is KIK ICK. Research the disease forum, Beth has pics and write ups on diseases we sometimes run into. After the first two clowns were sick did you do any water changes because if it was ick it stays in the water and from what people say the only effective treatment is hyposalinity but with inverts you can only do that in a seperate tank and leave your display fishless for 96 weeks til the ick dies off. The inverts can stay in the display.


Staff member
Thomas ich is a highly contagious parasite. Once you introduced ich to your tank the first time [with the fish that died], the thing to do was not buy more fish for at least a month. This would have killed off the ich in your tank.
Personally, I can not recommend using these medications that you are using. Trying looking at the information in the FAQ topic located at the top of this forum. You will find info on ich and how to treat it.
There is no easy answer at this point. You may want to think about setting up a quarantine tank for the future, to prevent this from happening again.
Welcome to our forums, and hope you decide to stay with us. A great place to learn and share.


i did a water change before i bought the new fish and i guess i kinda made the mistake of just assuming they were sick before i got them and that is why they died so i bought some more...once i seen the third fish started to get sick i setup a quarantine tank but he just died in that tank....my next step was to take all the fish out and basically start over...only thing i dont understand is why only my ocellaris are getting infected and the others are not :(