Dying Coral Beauties


New Member
I bought a Coral beauty which got popeye. I started treating the popeye and the next day it died. I went away for the weekend and my step-dad was taking care of my tank and bought me a new coral beauty. This one got ich, i treated the ich with garlic and it went away. then about two weeks later that one died too. I was very disappointed. I tested the water before and after I got each one and every thing was perfect. If every thing was perfect why did they die?

who dey

Active Member
hmmm. not sure. my beauty had popeye and i cured it with garlic in 3 days and she's still cruisin the tank. what were the symptoms of the dead beauty's. from what i understand popeye is a condition that a fish can usually live with for awhile. your two deaths seem to have happened really quickly. again symptoms?


Active Member
It is really important to know more about your tank (age, live rock, SPECIFIC water parameters). Such fish are not particularly hardy at all, and some just do not do well in certain tanks. If it is an especially young tank (under 6 months), it is not the right fish to go with. What are your other tank inhabitants?


even if your parameters are good you could still have bacteria, fungus or parasites still in your tank. make sure you put them in a qt tank first. if you are putting them in the qt obviously you don't have any fish in there and don't buy a coral beauty for at least a month. that will kill any parasite in the tank and possibly the bacteria. water change wouldn't hurt in that tank as well. if there are no fish for parasites there will be no parasites because they have nothin to live off of.