dying finger leather coral


i am new to saltwater aquariums, but was give a 58 gallon tank from a buddy of mine. i've done some reading and research and the tank was looking better after three months at my house than it was at my buddies. when i got the tank it had only two clowns, a yellow tang, and a red spotted goby (i believe), and a lot of live rock. it was nice, but it was kind of boring and lacking in color. i went to my LFS and bought a pink leather finger coral because it was supposed to be easy to care for. i had for a month or so and everything was looking great, but then i had to leave town for a while and i left my wife in charge of feeding the fish. when i got back there was a brown fuzz on the coral and the LFS told me it was caused by high nitrate levels. he suggested a water change an iodine bath (my best description) for the coral in a seperate container. i followed his instructions and the coral looked horrible, but after a few days the brown fuzz was almost gone and i thought we were on the road to recovery. now its been three days and the coral has started to wilt and some of the fingers are turning a whitish color. there has been no melting, so im just wondering if things are still coming around after the shock or if there is something else i should do.