Dying Fish, Please help!


Well-Known Member
Sorry no picture, my camera won’t focus right.
My Blue tang got ich. Which spread to the Royal Gramma so I tereated the whole tank with Ich Attack by Kordon, it's supposed to be an herbal 100% organic remedy. After dosing for 10 days the tang is now rubbing itself furiously, zipping from one side of the tank to the other hitting rock sand, and anything else it can rub on. Acting crazy. So I go back to the LFS and he sold me a powdered
medicine called Metronidazole by Seachem, which has to be mixed into the food with another powder called focus. All the fish ate it up.
Last night before leaving for work, I see a flame cardinal, which I really spot out from the rock has a white blotch on its back. I only got a glimpse.
I found two Dispar Anthias dead this morning. Then I notice my Royal Gramma is hanging out by the top of the tank like it is trying to suck air. She usually stays in the rock. When I looked closer she has a white film on her.
It looks like “Brooklynella” But my clowns are the only thing that doesn’t seem to be sick.
My LFS does not sell the remedy recommended. (Use a 37% formaldehyde solution [brand name Formalin which is sold in the hobby] ) Is there an alternative medicine?


While I'm by no means an expert.
You need to do hypo. Being you waitied so long, I start it as soon as I could.


Well-Known Member
Okay. It is a black sad day for me.
I have spent the morning going over everything in the fish disease section. I really wish I had done this first when I first visited this site
. I also wish I had looked at this section before I treated my fish tank for ich. I also want to thank Beth for all her hard work and being so informative. Pictures do speak a thousand words.
If I understood correctly what I have read. What my fish had was Lymphocystis, I saw a white spot on my tangs rear near his fin and thought it was ich, I thought it was just one big ich dot.
The reason my Royal Gramma was hanging out on the top of the water was because the medicine I used, sucked the air out of the tank.
In fact for a while all the fish were hanging out on the top of the water. The second medicine was mixed with food, I thought they believed they were going be fed more because I was near the tank.
The “Lymph_on_Heniochus” picture in the disease section looks exactly like what is on my Royal Gramma. The cure is to do some water changes and hope I haven’t caused a secondary infection.
Ich medicine didn’t help because I didn’t have ich to start with. Now I have really stressed all my fish, and polluted the tank with unnecessary medicines. I had not been doing regular water changes, so there were lots of bacteria in the tank. The second medicine I used caused my Anthias to suffocate. Poor little things.

Mystery is solved and I am the killer. Nothing else is dying, everybody just looks bad. I am going to close now and go do a water change.


Staff member
Start doing a 10% water change today to start the dilution process in your aquarium, then change out a gal of water daily over the next few weeks. Actually changing out a gal (for 50-100 gal tank) daily is just good tank maintenance practice, in my view.
Maximize water circulation throughout the tank, adding more pumps as needed.
Seriously think about setting up a quarantine tank. Many headaches in this hobby can be avoided by using good quarantine practices.