Dying fish- who's to blame?


I am occasionally losing fish and I have a feeling somebody in the tank is not playing nice. To the best of my knowledge everyone in the tank is supposed to be peaceful but I'm starting to wonder.
Tank includes:
1 foxface
1 coral beauty
1 yellow coris wrasse
2 false percs
2 fire gobies
1 yellow watchman
1 serpent star
1 fire shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
cleanup crew- turbo, margarita, nassarius snails and small hermit crabs
recently deceased or missing: 1 false perc 1 small powder blue tang 1 fire goby
I've seen the serpent star grab hold of some of the snails but they get away. Could he be grabbing the fish when he's hungry and opportunity knocks? Other then that I have no idea. Serpent star is pretty large and loves to eat.


Active Member
Maybe a mantis shrimp, ever hear any clicking at night? When you say deceased or missing, how much of the bodies are you finding, is it during the day or finding them dead in the morning?


First 1 missing is when we were on vacation and supposedly noone ever saw the fish (false perc) he just disappeared. The fire goby hasn't been seen in like 2 days and i'm beginning to worry. He does hide alot but will come out when eating. The powder blue tang I found dead on the sand with the cleanup crew going at him a couple of mornings ago. He is pretty small like less then 2 inches.


forgot to answer the question about the mantis shrimp. I have not heard any clicking noises and have not put any live rock or anything that could possibly introduce a mantis shrimp into the tank for several months and the fish started disappearing just recently. I will have to keep an eye out or an ear out for one just in case though.