dying fish!

im bewildered! a week ago i got some fresh water fish i treated there water with stress coat and i let it cycle but for some reason all the fresh water fish i get (except for the bettas,) die!
well, its a ten gal. tank no filter no airation(i know but i airated every 2 hours with a manuel airater), i also did weekly full water changes.it was a FW tank w/ FW fish i had two paint glass tetras and 4 neons and just yesterday my two guppies died but for some reason all 5 of my bettas stayed alive and are happy and healthy. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
Did you use Tap water to fill it up or did you buy water? When I set up my girlfriends tank we used store bought water and we had to lower the PH considerably. Check you PH. Also if you used tap water. did you buy a conditioner for it to remove hard metals and othe junk? Let us know.

here fishy

Did you say full water changes...Never change it all at once. I would keep three or four empty and clean milk jugs and let the water age for a week. Use this water when you do a change. I hope all the bettas are females. Finally I would not put more than two or three fish in at a time and then wait a week or more to let them acclimate. Don't overstock the tank without filtration or they will continue to die off.