Dying fish


My 36 gallon bow is farely new. i have had damsels in it for about two months. I bought two clowns and an anemone about a month ago. One clown died the next day and now my other (which has been fine) is swimming at the bottom of the tank upside down and in circles. I just noticed this now. He was fine earlier. I took him out and put him in a sperate container. My LFS tested my water after I bought the clowns and said I need a nitrate lock. Ever since I have had that my tank is turning brown within a day of water changes. Could one have to do with the other? And what do I do for my clown he's not looking good :( I tested the water and everything is fine. The pH is low 7.4, but Nitrates, amonia, alkalinity and everything is fine.


try another water change and some stress coat that my work i will look into that brown issue


Active Member
do another water change skip the stress coat and skip the nitrate lock.
What are your exact water parameters? fine really doesnt tell us much.
the brown is it on the rocks and sand or floating in the water?


Active Member
It is really important to know your SPECIFIC tank parameters. I am concerned about your pH as well. What are your calcium and alkalinity readings?
What filtration do you have? What circulation? Do you have glass tops on the tank?

aztec reef

Active Member
Skip everything do a Large water change and then post your parameters and we'll start from there..Nitrates will not kill your fish.
If your nitrates are fine why did the LFS suggest you getting a nitrate lock?


My Nitrates were not fine at the time, they were way too high. the Nitrate lock helped balance them. I do have a glass top on the tank. I do not know the Calcium level, I have not tested for that, I will have to buy a kit. I have a fluval 250 filter and I use air bubbles for circulation. The strip is under the gravel along the back of the tank-3/4 the length of the tank. I did cycle my tank for several months. My LFS said my tank was ready.

aztec reef

Active Member
Even though the Nitrate lock help balanced it, it actually didn't completly get rid of it. It basically just masked it..so i would still do water changes, you're using ro water right?


What is ro water? I have been doing weekly water changes with about 20%. I took the Nitrate lock out tonight to see if that helps now that they seem to be balanced. What do you think is the cause of the brown stuff all over the tank? Besides the damsels, I also have about 15 snails and 20 crabs, one emerald. Shouldnyt they be cleaning or should I get something else?

aztec reef

Active Member
Well the problem your having is mostly due to the use of Tap water. Most people don't use Tap for their Saltwater tanks. Because Tap water has contaminants & heavy minerals wich will cause that heavy algea and you will accumulate Nitrates & Phosphates.
RO stands for Reverse Osmosis is the best type of water filtration. Actually RO/DI is the best. You can buy a unit for this or simply buy this water from LFS.


OK, thanks a lot. I will look into that right now. I use tap water and the AquaSafe which I though was OK. Should I be buing the ro/di water and still adding the AquaSafe to it?

aztec reef

Active Member
Your cleaning crew is fine. Don't worry so much about your algea right now it could be normal. New tanks go through algea phases, brown, green & red algea are still to come. After this phases is when tank starts to fully Mature.
We need to worry about what's killing your fish.

aztec reef

Active Member
Should I be buing the ro/di water and still adding the AquaSafe to it?
No you don't need the AquaSafe anymore with ro/di that's why it's so good..


OK, I am with you on finding the cause of my Nemo dying (kids were very upset, as was I). What would you recommend for the ro/di? I was just looking and I am confused at what I am seeing. I really appreciate all your help. I can be a pain sometimes, but I would rather ask a million questions and get it right to have a beautiful tank than keep killing poor fish.


I just checked them out again. If I am understanding this right, I purchase the RO and hook it up to my faucet. It will then produce clean water, I add salt and when its ready add to tank. Once I get this do I do a pratial water cange or what?

aztec reef

Active Member
well ro/di units are kind of spendy. (unless you got about $200)
I would suggest just buying the water for now.
Also get your self some good test kits like SALIFER.


I didnt see where I could purchase water on here, I thought you meant the units. I have jungle something or other test kits now, actually it is like an all in one. I a going to get a new ones this weekend and haev the LFS test my water again.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by ckjess19
I just checked them out again. If I am understanding this right, I purchase the RO and hook it up to my faucet. It will then produce clean water, I add salt and when its ready add to tank. Once I get this do I do a pratial water cange or what?
Yes, you can do partial or Large water changes, If you're having water problems i recommend large ones.
But regularlly 10% weekly or 20% bi-weekly water change is a good idea to replenish Elements and maintain Optimal Water Quality.