I have a 150g tank that I have had up and running for almost 2 years. I had 9 fish but I currently lost both of my anthias. I am not sure why??? I came back from being out of town on Sunday and I could not and still not have been able to find one of them and yesterday the other one was acting really strange. I tried to catch him but there are to many hiding places in my tank. This evening I came home to find the other anthias floating at the top of my tank. It is really weird, I purchased these two fish together almost 2 years ago and both of them showed no sign of any disease. My other fish and coral are all fine. I am fighting off some pretty nasty green hair algae but that should not kill my fish. P.S. I don't know why this hair algae has gotten so out of control but I think it is my RO/DI unit and I am currently working on the fix. Anyway here are my water parameters as of Tuesday are: Sal: 1.025 Ph: 8.2 Am: 0 Rite: 0 Rate: 0 Phos: .5 ( a little high but I am working on my hair algae problem) Cal: 400 Kh: 7. Please let me know what you all think because I am really sad to have lost 2 fish that I truly adored and have had for a long time.