I think my jawfish is dying because my occellaris clown kicked his butt last night!
He is somewhere behind the reef. If he dies and is not taken out, will he cause water quality in a 75 gal tank?
I'm new at the whole fish and reef thing so I can't really offer any opinions. Since your jawfish is hiding did you take the bully out of the tank and put it elsewhere? If you do, the jawfish might come out and you can see how he's doing.
yeah, I hope...
I was reworking my reef and I couldnt find her anywhere. I hope I didnt bury her, but if I did, she wasnt gonna make it.
she was so cool, I only had her for 2 days and already was stoked about her personality of spitting sand and crud her potential "house"
ok guys, the jawfish came out this morning! shes digging a new burrow and looks ok. Her tail is half chewed off. If she stays in the hole, maybe they wont get her?
Do you think she might get sick cause of the stress?
My lfs said they dont get ick hardly ever. True or not?
I think it should be fine now. it has a place where pretty much no one can get to him/ no one is determined enough to try to get him lol... hope it pulls through! it should.
Originally Posted by OceanLover http:///forum/post/2788165
Is the mantis shrimp in the same tank as your jawfish? The mantis needs to be by himself.
What mantis?