Dying Lionfish HELP!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I got a dwarf lion about 2 weeks ago and I haven`t been able to get him to eat.Tried mysis shrimp frozen, then shrimp from the seafood store uncooked,He`s looked and acted good till 3 days ago he got popeye my LFS sold me some mel a fix and i have dosed according to directions. But today he looks awful not really swimming stays either on bottom not moving much or at top and keeps putting his nose out the water. His color looks darker and with some prominant red lines comming through.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:confused: :mad: :scared:Dying Lionfish Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
Stop using that medication. It is useless. Do a large water change.
What are your water readings right now? And can you provide some info on the fish and your setup. Take a look at the Thread at the top of this forum How To Post Questions In The Disease Forum.


New Member
Thanks Beth but he`s gone
My husband takes all the readings. He did them today and said they were all where they should be.
Thanks for you help any way!!!


Active Member
Sorry to hear that, lions are particularly prone to getting popeye and other infections in their eyes. They are very hard to save once they get these, at least in my experiences with a couple lions who developed popeye in a pretty much pristine tank environment (all levels fine). Dont let it get you down, it happens to the best of tanks once in a while.