dying sebae anemone!!



You may see mucus surounding the anemone, that will be your first sign, then it can look like a melted ice cream on a hot summer day, or even like your anemone swollowed a hand grenade and expolded from the inside. They can do funny things when they are about to die, contort oddly, even look healthy for a moment. Then within hours it could have such a negitive impact on your tank that could force up to 100% water changes.


I had a sebae, back in the day... And he died. He turned himself inside out. He did return to normal for about an hour but then he went back inside out again. Like Thomas said, looked like he had swallowed a grenade.
So I still refused to believe he was dead, then my little bro says to me, "Yeah, remember in school they taught us that an anemone turns inside out to die". Well I remembered no such thing in school, guess I wasn't paying attention that day, but nevertheless, I dared to smell it... Yup!! DEFINATELY dead.


:happyfish hi, when it turns into mashed potatoes, or starts sluffin stuff off, toss it, it's long gone. Signs it's goin south are: not sticky, small, gaping mouth, and sluffing stuff off. Don't wait too long, to toss it if it dies. Also if it does die, do a water change. good luck, ali