dying tank


ok my brother has a 72 gallon bow front with a magnum 350 filter system 2 powerheads protein skimmer etc. his water parameters are way outta whack he never tests his water well i went for a visit yesterday and most everything looked ok his zoos fish different types of polyps were all seemingly ok his bta seemed kinda out of it along with a few other anenomes i didnt see any of his shrimp and nudibranches so i asked him where they were at he said they just dissappeared and he didnt know.
i tested his water and it was whacked
ph 8.8 or higher
nitrite 0.5 pppm
nitrate over 80ppm
ammonia 2ppm
and tank looked filthy.
i helped him with a 50 percent water change and clean up the tank and change his filter any other helpful suggestions would be great im going back today to check everything out he also admitted to not spot feeding his anenomes or doing any kind of maintenance to his tank i told him he stood to lose alot of cash if he didnt care for his tank and that id help him get it back in order but im pretty novice still myself any other help would be nice thanks


The best way to help him is to take the tank into custody. It is a shame when people venture into this wonderful hobby without the time or dedication it entails. For example I have to maintain my tank every 2 days, feeding corals and fish, algae clean up, water top-off, light testing of water parameters and skimmer clean up. Sometimes once a day. And I am on this forum everyday getting some helpful tips and new ideas. Hopefully he will realize that having this setup is like having kids and must be thought of in the same way. Good luck.


well just got home and let me tell you i am thankful for my tank cause his is still a mess. after cleaning and filter change i realized that ignoring your tank is a bad idea we have done 35 gallon change and another 10 this afternoon. i am goona wait til saturday to recheck the tank and possibly continue the water changes.
hope everything lives... he has promised to take better care of it cause i live 40 miles away and dont have the time lol. if anyone knows anything else i should do for him let me know thanks