eagle scouts?


Any eagle scouts out here?
I was in scouts until i was 18 then stopped attending meetings since i needed to work more.
The troop is slowly dwindling down and i like to make it out there as often as i can... but with my work schedule its really hard.
anyone ever get to eagle or even scouted in general?


Active Member
Yeah, Eagle Scout w/ three Palms. Two Philmont treks, two National Jamborees. My dad and brother were Eagles, so yes, I was a

scout until high school sports interfered.


Sea Scouts is a division of Venturing, which is a division of Boy Scouts. Sea Scouts is the only part of Venturing that has rank, and they focus on sailing and nautical skills and seamanship. Boys and girls from 14 to 21 can join a Ship (troop). Although the Sea Scout Manual says that girls were let in for issues of fairness and equality, it's really because the boys were dropping out after getting their Eagle Scout to fraternize with the ladies, so we got invited to join.


Active Member

Originally posted by pwnag3!!
I loved philmont.
Did you trek in north or south country?

Did old Trek 19 through the Valle Vidal reserve (up past north country) and then down through north country into Bear/Black mountains, over the Tooth.
Second Trek was 26, I was the leader, and we modified it to be way more than super strenuous. Went through north over the Mesa, up Baldy, up Phillips, down through the South country to hit the mountain w/ the plane wreckage, then back home over Schafers and the Tooth. Ended up being 120+ miles, and truly a hiking-only Trek, we skipped every activity to gain more mileage. That crew had 9 Eagle Scounts and 4 Life scouts, we were the "varsity team".:D


yeah we had a bunch of lamers on my trek... it was still fun. definately an experience you wont forget.
I will also never forget the smell in the red roof inns.


yeah, i got eagle at 15, then mee too with the high school sports and surfing every day.


Active Member
proud to be the first eagle in troop 45 in awhile! problem is, most of it was stupid paperwork like i do now at work. the fun stuff was just getting out there and camping. who the hell liked the uniform and attention!, at ease! meetings sucked. camping and leading in the wilderness with what you learned on your own was the best! our leaders didn't really bother w/us, we just played around and learned to survive on klondike drives and subzero camping. once we burned the entire campsite to the ground by accident by not clearing enough space when we were first class. we almost died on a few klondike derbies b/c we lost the trail and thought we knew the way. (right after that we had a compassing class lol)
all good though, i'm trying to get involved in my local troop, but i think they're wary of a 28 yr old psyco-camper/hiker. all they do is crafts like cubscouts and webelos. :cheer: