Early addition.


New Member
I did not plan on adding anybody to my tank untill the first week of September. The tank has ben cycling for only 10 days, and I have ben adding live rock only, while going through the spikes. The good news is everything is coming into line, the bad news is I got a nice piece of lr from lfs, and when I put it into the tank, I just sat back and admired it. As I was doing so, this big bluse snail came out of a hole in the rock, and went right back in. I called lfs and he just laughed and said good luck. It has ben two days now and the little guy has explored every rock in the tank and seems to be doing fine. What do you think his chances are, ammonia is 0, ph is 8.2, nitrate is 15, and nitrite is .20.


Active Member
I'd say he has a good chance.....The more rock you keep adding the longer your cycle will take.:D


Active Member
Chances are very good. Just keep your eye on your ammonia and when it begins to go higher than .50ppm, do a small water change to bring it down.