early stages of swim bladder?


ok i got a sixline wrasse, and he swims around fine, he's healthy, and he eats a lot, but today at LFS i saw another SLW with swim bladder hanging out upside down, i realized that my slw has that same fat stomach, and none of the other ones do. Is this a swim bladder with air in it or what? I will get a pic when i can.


Staff member
Try using Nitrofurazone [Furacyn by Aquatronics] at 30mg/gal in a QT with sick fish. Dose one time only. If the fish is no getting better after 3 days, then do a water change and switch antibiotics to Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish.


Staff member
No, I'm not saying that because I haven't seen the fish and the symptoms are not there. I just provided the treatment in the event that the problem develops.
Can you get a pic up?


yeah, probably tomorrow though, all i know is he's got a fat stomach,
I will see about getting the camera going tomorrow in the morning.