Earthquakes and Tanks


So we just had an earthquake in the midwest and it brought a question to mind. Have any of the members here had earthquakes and how have they affected your tanks? Have you had any seal breakages etc?


Active Member
Seeing as how you're in the midwest I wouldn't be concerned, but if you were in a more earthquake prone area like the west coast then I'd go with an acrylic tank.

devil dog

Active Member
I think it was just a FYI... and it is something that I would like to know...
I think if it was bad it could nock rock work down and make you glass brake or make a whole tank fall over


Active Member
Been through tons of earthquakes when in living in Frisco and they nover bothered anything.
Out here by Sacramento they occasionally are felt but very mild and pretty rare.
Granted anything extreme would do some damage. The tank would be the last worry if it was THAT bad.
Might ask some So-Cal folks about it but I bet they would say the same.


Active Member
in missouri it knocked my rock work over and broke some dishes... I live off an army post and thought *** are they doing over there this time of night then found out it was a quake..
I am worried about it since we are in the area the largets is supposed to happen and with one hitting recently got me to thinking...


If you have a large earthquak more than likely the tank will be the last of your worries. If there is stuctural damage to the home then the tank may not make it through that part.
if its an area that is highly prone to earthquakes the I would look into acrylic.
you could also talk to some of the petstores in the eartquak regions that have been there for awhile and see what they have to say since they deal with it all the time.