easiest nano ''mod''


if you have a nano cube or light fixture with dual fans simply take the fixture or hood apart.flip one of the fans over so one sucks air and one blows.i know this sounds dumb but it really helps keep the heat down.lots of people dont even think of this so i thought i would post it.have fun!


Thanks Mushroomss for the great idea. I have a JBJ6g and it fixed my heat problem instantly.


Active Member
Odds are your fan that has the salt laden air blowoing over it will fail long before its design lifetime is up. Open up the hood for better exhaust, is better, not pulling salt laden humid damp air over the fan itself.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Odds are your fan that has the salt laden air blowoing over it will fail long before its design lifetime is up. Open up the hood for better exhaust, is better, not pulling salt laden humid damp air over the fan itself.
yes this is true,i just figured most people left their lids open.why would you want stale air in your tank?and also if you have time,periodically take off the hood,then the plastic,detach the fans,and blow them off.This will prolong thier life more than anything.Anyways thanks for pointing that out.i cant believe i forgot to mention that.


Active Member
Flip both fans so they are blowing INTO the tank. If you have the 12 gal. or 6 gal., cut holes directly over the fans so you get gas exchange with the water. You will have no heat problems and there is no eye sore because you no longer need to leave your feed hood open.


Active Member
Are the fans easily removed/rotated? I want to do this, but don't want to break anything. Do they just 'snap in' or snap out'? If both fans are blowing to the left, for example, wouldn't that help with temp and air exchange?


Active Member
Not sure what you mean by blowing to the left.
The fans are screwed in by four screws: one in each corner of the fan.


Active Member
One fan blowing "in" and one blowing "out" from under the hood....To create an air 'current' from the right to the left.....


Leaving the hood open is better for air exchange.even if you cut holes in the hood the light and fan compartment are sealed and that is where the fans blow not into the tank...just my 2 cents


Active Member
I meant cutting holes through the clear plastic in front of the fans so there is communication between the tank water and the fans. Leaving the hood open is aesthetically displeasing in my opinion.