Easiest Tang


the new guy

I have been told that Naso's are pretty harty if you get a bigger one, I lost one that was about 2 inches and got one that was about 4 inches and he is doing good.
Also had good luck with sailfin tangs. I dont know if I was just lucky or not??


Active Member
Frankly the only 2 I have had that did well and are still with me are a Sailfin and a Kole Tang. The Kole is about 4 years old the Sailfin over a year. Frankly I buy no Tangs anymore but the 2 I mentioned in my mind are your best bet. Avoid the Yellow at all cost (I don't care how many here say they are good fish if you check the posts on yellows you will see they are Ick magnets of the first order).


Active Member
purples are usually hardy, and i have read that they are one of the hardiest. all tangs are ick prone to the fullest. they all require great water conditions and a mature tank. bo
My Naso has been great but seeing as your setting up a 55gal you will be in the same boat Im in, not being able to keep it in a tank that small for long.


So far My convict tang has done extremely well. After the cycling of my tank he was the 1st fish to be intraduced. (besides my 2 dominos that were ginny pigs)
Check out my web site, its not done 100% yet havent seemed to find the time but I have pictures of the convict and some of my others

french angel

New Member
I've had a Yellow for 5 years, a powderbrown for 4 and a blue for 10 mo. No ich problems, or anything else! Tangs have proven to be my hardiest fish.
i have a yellow and it got that red bacteri infection but i medicated him and changed th water and he is fine, but i still think the convict is awesome
I have the yellow tang and its been through alot, And its doing just fine. I also had luck with the powder blues as well just as long as you keep your tank well maintained you should not have a problem. Good luck.


Active Member
I haven't got a tang yet - but I will be putting a Sailfin in my tank soon - a month or two from now - to help my cleaning crew with the algae - Also I think it's little fins are the coolest!!


I have a yellow tang and a mimic tang. They are both extremely hardy. I got a bit of a ick problem with the tangs but nothing major. The garlic does miracles indeed. The color of the yellow tang is really outstanding. The mimic tank went through a lot and is doing very well too. They both eat a lot and almost anything (flakes, brine shrimp, formula one, pigmy formula, romaine lettuce...)


I have had a naso and clown tang both were very hardy and very active, but I would not put any tang into a tank smaller then 75 they all like to swim alot and need room. Good Luck


the 75 that my lfs sells is 48" and my 50 is 48" so is the difference really a big deal? I understand the 75 is deeper.


I have had several tangs over the years. they have all been hardy fish. The only one to die on me is a Naso. I have a Hippo that is 4 or 5 years old in a 55, a Purple that is 8 months old, I had a Yellow that was two years old but took him out when I added the Purple. The yellow and purple have been the easiest to keep. The only problem with a yellow is how agressive they will get. I will be transferring the other tangs to my new 180 after I have added the more peaceful fish. I may get a yellow as my last purchase for the 180.