If you're asking how to raise the fry..... lots of time (and I mean LOTS), a good amount of space (for the tanks of rotifer cultures you will need) a good amount of money (to pay for the cultures, the culture foods, the air shipment costs), and lots and lots of patience.
Quite honestly, I tried a few times raising Reidi fry and failed each time. It's not something you can just "get lucky" and have a few survive. If you're not set up for it beforehand, there isn't much chance at all any will survive. You definitely need to start rotifer cultures in advance. Get the hang of doing that before any thought of fry are considered. If you can't culture the rots, the fry can't eat - so you need to become an expert on raising their food before any fry arrive.
I had three 10 gal rotifer tanks running at all times. Daily water changes on all 3 tanks with fresh saltwater. Feed the cultures daily. Split the cultures every 2 or 3 days. Enrich the rots a few hours before feeding. A real PITA actually LOL.
You will also need specialized nursery tanks for the fry. You can't use regular square tanks as you can with Erectus fry. Again, you will need to purchase the items needed to make the proper nursery tank.
Reidi are gorgeous seahorses. However, on a hobbyist level - not worth the time/money investment needed to raise any fry.