easiest way to get temp down?


Having problem with temp in my small 10 gallon tank. temp is always around 80 . but when I leave my lights on for couple of hours it creeps up to 85 ish. Was wondering if a small fan blowing on the power filter would help?


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Fans or serious about hobby a chiller
eh on a ten gallon I would not worry about a chiller. Fans will work.


high temp is common since it's summer. try putting ice cubes in it (put it in a bag first before putting in the water) i have the same problem too. and probably ur light is too near the water... that would really add up on the heat.. you wouldn't want that... :happyfish


Originally Posted by lpuzon
high temp is common since it's summer. try putting ice cubes in it (put it in a bag first before putting in the water) i have the same problem too. and probably ur light is too near the water... that would really add up on the heat.. you wouldn't want that... :happyfish
You also don't want to bring it down too fast! Ice cubes, Ro/Di or not is going to bring it down very fast in a ten gallon. Take the lid off and just use fans.


Active Member
A clip fan blowing across the surface of my 37g has been working great in keeping my temp in check when needed this summer.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
A clip fan blowing across the surface of my 37g has been working great in keeping my temp in check when needed this summer.
Lisa :happyfish
Me too, I went to wal-mart and got one for cheap. I have it on the same timer as my MHs and the temp stays between 78-79 now. Good luck.

mandarin w

If you still have your glass tops that came with the tank, Throw them out. Get some eggcrate (you will find this at any hardward store, in the lighting section) eggcrate is a white plastic cover for florecent lights, and is plastic strips that make 3/4in squares. cut it to fit the top of your tank. Then use a fan to blow across the top of your tank. Your tank needs to sweat. It is very inportant. Just like people need to sweat to keep cool. And finally don't have your lights right on top of your tank. Try to get at least 4inches between your lights and the top of your tank. You should keep some fresh RO/DI water handy to top off your tank daily. Your water will evaporate. But this is good.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
You also don't want to bring it down too fast! Ice cubes, Ro/Di or not is going to bring it down very fast in a ten gallon. Take the lid off and just use fans.

yup! i stand corrected! forgot that you have a 10g tank. but, guys, will the fan work on 72g too?


Active Member
Originally Posted by lpuzon
yup! i stand corrected! forgot that you have a 10g tank. but, guys, will the fan work on 72g too?
Yes fans will work to help bring temp down on all tanks. For a larger tank you may just need a bigger fan.

mandarin w

I have a 180 with three 250 MH and I just have two fans blowing across the surface of the tank. My temp does not go above 77.4 or below 76.5. Just take off the glass. The glass works like a magnifier. Just like on a winter day the sun shining in the window. It is so warm and toasty, you would think it was 75 outside. Same effect the light has on the tank. And if you are using MH it is worse. And with the glass cover on the tank. It has no where to go, so it builds up.. Your body has to sweat to cool itself off. If you don't sweat you will overheat, and head for serious health problems. Same for you tank. Beleive me it works wonders.