easy anemone


Active Member
i heard bubble tips r the easyiest
i use to have one it was so tiny but something happened and it turned it self inside out
not i got a big PTA and i love it
wat kinda tank do u have, filter, lightin, and how long has it been up


Active Member
Don't have any yet, I am waiting to see what type of new T5 lights are coming in to our LFS in the next month or so and see if it would fit my current canopy or not.
I was just curious as to which one would be the easiest.
To answer your questions, the tank is 3 years old, 25 gal and has 2 aqua clear filters running on it. I currently keep assorted mushrooms and leathers.
Thanks for the replies.... ***)


Active Member
o ok cool so u definitly can get one since ur tank is established but wat kinda lights do u have?
i bought t5's and they r great good luck


Active Member
The light I currently have is only 24", 20watt and a power-glo 18,000k.
Not near enough for an anemone. But depending on what these lights are like and they have to fit in my current canopy which my LFS claims will that will determine weather or not if I get anything.
My current light canopy is only 4 1/2" wide so I don't know how these t5's come but they would have to fit into that area and provide enough light.
Do you happen to know what wattage a 24" t5 comes in?

reef diver

Active Member
I don't know the wattage, but, over a small tank, a certain power of light can be plenty strong. Like that 20 watt will put out a roughly comparable amount of lumens, and a light with that wattage puts out far too few lumens. Also a size factor of the tank needs to be taken into consideration, because the more the volume of water the specific tank(not entire system) holds, also accounts for photon absorbtion, so Lumen loss. So a 40 watt light over a 10 gallon tank, basically is perfect, because the amount of lumens that the light produces, with the water absorbtion taken out is enough for an anemone.


Active Member
I am sorry to be a pain in the you know what, but I am a bit confused here. I do understand about the 10 gal with the 40 watts, that is clear. As for my 25 gal what would you say would be the right amount of watts without being overkill but the minimum requirement here?
The LFS does not have these lights in yet, I am waiting to hear from them and will go and check them out. I honestly don't see how these will fit my current tank but will have to wait and see on that.
At the most, if that hood it comes with is the same size as what I currently have it would fit no more than 2 t5's in there. So I don't know if that would give me more than I already have or just a brighter light all around?
My other LFS has one T5 over a mangrove setup and I don't know what wattage it is as they don't even know but they claim that it is doing its job well. I did not find the light overly bright when they showed it to me.
The only other place we have these T5's in our city is in our Curling Rink, they were the first complex in the area here to install these things. They have quite a few of them in one hood and of course there are hundreds of them as the rink is huge. I will have to ask the ice tech how he is finding them.
So we are a bit behind you all, naturally we live in Canada....



Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
I don't know the wattage, but, over a small tank, a certain power of light can be plenty strong. Like that 20 watt will put out a roughly comparable amount of lumens, and a light with that wattage puts out far too few lumens. Also a size factor of the tank needs to be taken into consideration, because the more the volume of water the specific tank(not entire system) holds, also accounts for photon absorbtion, so Lumen loss. So a 40 watt light over a 10 gallon tank, basically is perfect, because the amount of lumens that the light produces, with the water absorbtion taken out is enough for an anemone.

Okay, I have done some reading about these bulbs and I am trying to understand them a bit better. I am still stumped though, can you tell me if the "high lumens" are the thing you want in a reef rather than the amount of watts??
This is what I have read, does not make sense but here it goes:
Both the Marine White and the Marine Blue Actinic T5 HO lights:
22" = 24 watts, 34" - 39 watts, 46" = 54 watts
My current 24" T8 = 20 watts NO light
So when I look at this I see that one light T5 has only 4 watts more than what I currently have. But two of them would equal 48 watts I do understand that. But now they claim with this 48 watts one can keep anemone, clams etc.
Your thoughts?

reef diver

Active Member
Well, dont take my info as the watt's pergallon theory, as a pc light system that uses 40 watts would have far less lumens output than a metalhalide or vho. Also, a 22" system does not necessarily mean it has to be 24 watts. I might say get a retrofit kit, make a hood, or if you already have one, do that, buy a highly adjustable retrofit kit. See, with a retrofit kit, in may cases you can add more bulbs than would otherwise be in a light setup of those dimensions. The more bulbs, logically more light. However, an extra fan or two would be needed to compensate for extra heat. As a suggestion, ask around in the DIY forums, on how to make your own retrofit. A DIY retrofit, would let you set how may bulbs you could have etc. Most of this I learned from my LFS, and the biological needs of lumens from my own facination with science and the anemone expert thomas.
Also as another suggestion, why not go for a HOB metal halide, they are about as expensive as 2 T5's, have more lumens output for a smaller dimension.


Active Member
Thanks for all your replies, the metalhalide thing just will not fly here. Hubby says no way to that. I don't have any troubles with what I currently have but thought an anemone would be nice but not necessary.
I will have to see now with the bulb I currently have if staying with the power-glo 18,000k or changing it to a 50/50 bulb instead would be better for my current setup.
Your thoughts??

reef diver

Active Member
Well, so you know for the future, lumens is roughly a measure of how much light is coming out of a specific source. Me ascience geek, would say its a rough calculaton of the amount of photons coming out of a source. Watts is how juchg electricity an electricity using appliance uses. So a 40 watt bulb uses a total of 40 watts of electricity from your supplier.
Also canadians rock! They are pretty cool eh?

reef diver

Active Member
The lighting you currently have is probly enough for some low light corals, and med light if placed high in the aquarium.


Active Member
Reef Diver I really appreciate your answering my questions......

Ya, Canada is not a bad place to live I guess depending on where you are. I am from a city that has grown far to big for my taste, but I guess that all comes with population growth.
When you say that my current lighting is enough for some easy corals and some med ones besides these ones: mushrooms, zoos, polyps, toadstools. What others are you talking about?
Thanks again....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Kenya trees, pipe organs, star polyps those are what I mean. What city?

Thanks for the reply. British Columbia Canada, do you know B.C. at all?

reef diver

Active Member
No not much, I was in vancouver for a week, before a cruise to alska, If theres anywhere else besides some tropical island with a reef with every reef fish, and my current home it would be british columbia.


Active Member
So you like our Province? Well if you were in Vancouver, I live 6 hours from there heading north. Unlike Vancouver whom gets alot of rain we get the snow and the whole thing here. Our summers are very very hot and dry unlike Vancouver which is quite humid compared to us.
Many folks would love to live in Vancouver, not me. Once you get to know the different areas of B.C. you soon know where one would like to be.
I always joke around with hubby that after the kids graduate we should move to Hawaii, we always go there in the winter months for a vacation. Oh ya Aloha all the way, I just love hawaii.
Nice chatting with you......


Active Member
Hey, I just posted a thread in the Photo section for all maroon clowns. I have 3 pics of my clown there.