Eating Bubbles


New Member
Hi, I have just bought a Ocellaris Clownfish. He seems to be doing ok. However everyday when I come home from work he is swiming in all of the bubbles created by a bubble wall at the back of my tank. It looks to me like he is trying to eat the bubbles. Is this bad for him?
Thanks Much


Active Member
Sounds to me like he is either still figuring out what is food or is just bored and playing around!

No, they won't harm him at all.


Active Member
A bubble wall isn't a good idea for a saltwater tank. Besides contributeing to saltcreep, the small bubbles can cause problems with their gills.... and if they get behind the eye, it could cause popeye. Bummer.. huh?


A bubble wall isn't a good idea for a saltwater tank. Besides contributeing to saltcreep, the small bubbles can cause problems with their gills.... and if they get behind the eye, it could cause popeye. Bummer.. huh?
Yep. Take it out. You don't need to add oxygen this way in saltwater. Just use a powerhead and agitate the surface of the water to aid in gas exchanges.


Active Member

Originally posted by bigarn
the small bubbles can cause problems with their gills.... and if they get behind the eye, it could cause popeye.

I have never heard of this. I'm not saying you are wrong, but where did you get this info?


Active Member
Can't for the life of me remember what the book was.... but I read it about a month ago. :D


Active Member
I don't mean to be a threadstealer...but when you say "agitate the surface", how agitated should it be? I have one of my powerheads pointing upward, and it creates ripples on the top, but it's not churning the water or anything. Also, my bio-wheel seems to be putting bubbles in the water (I'm not too happy about that, but I don't know how to stop it).


Active Member
No need to churn the surface.... as long as there's enough movement to allow for gas exchange, it's fine. :D


Active Member
Lol, that's the problem, I don't know how much movement is needed to create a gas exchange. =P


Active Member
Ripples on the surface is good. Also make sure there is no surface scum, organics, or any other debri floating on the surface because that would restrict gas exchange.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the input. I have turned off the buble wall and my clown seems to be a lot calmer as well.