Eclipse 2 system


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Recently i have been thinking about getting a SW fish tank. right now i have a 29 gallon Eclipse 2 or 3 system. it is a fresh water tank right now with 3 cichlids, 1 leapord puffer, 1 Gourami, and 1 pictus catfish. i was wondering if i could transfer my FW tank into SW? would the eclipse system be substantial enough to bear a SW tank. it would be FOWLR, i would have 2 percs, 1 watchman goby. and maybe some other fish ( schooling fish ). i would get 2 powerheads and maybe consider another filter. prob a HOB by marienland or something. any help or advice would be well appreciated. thanks


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bump? does anyone know about this set up for a FOWLR... maybe some feather dusters and gorgonians


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I gotta a eclipse system, if i had to start over, i probably would have went another route, but i made my bed, now i gotta sleep in it,, BUT!!! i have made major UPGRADES to my eclipse by adding things and upgrading things,, now i have it going for a year and it it great,, i have a protien skimmer and a 5 gallon fuge attached, i have it running really really well now!! But again with major upgrades SEE PICS, then ask questions!



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very tall tank.. what kind is it and how many gallons... also, what kind of lighting do you have on it. it looks like u took off the entire top and put lights with a stand on them ( maybe T5 or MH) im kinda new to saltwater so i dont know much about lighting and corals/reefs. great tank looks good. i would also consider a skimmer ( prob HOB ) but i dont think i would do a fuge or sump for an eclipse system. also. mine is a 29 gallon and i would have 2 percs, one type of goby ( lawnmower or yellow watchman) some feather dusters and gorgonians since then dont require as intense lighting as most corals, and a coral banded shrimp.. am i at the limit or could i put some other small fish in it?


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Originally Posted by GNorman
very tall tank.. what kind is it and how many gallons... also, what kind of lighting do you have on it. it looks like u took off the entire top and put lights with a stand on them ( maybe T5 or MH) im kinda new to saltwater so i dont know much about lighting and corals/reefs. great tank looks good. i would also consider a skimmer ( prob HOB ) but i dont think i would do a fuge or sump for an eclipse system. also. mine is a 29 gallon and i would have 2 percs, one type of goby ( lawnmower or yellow watchman) some feather dusters and gorgonians since then dont require as intense lighting as most corals, and a coral banded shrimp.. am i at the limit or could i put some other small fish in it?
This is the very rare ECLIPSE 29g TALL!, I have 130power compacts, 10k daylight and half actinic, I took out the standard crappy lights completley and place the light fixture on top where the old ones were, they just lay right ontop. Because the eclipse standard filtration is kinda inadequate i feel that adding a skimmer is an absolute must ALSO i removed the marineland cartridges and now put in CHEMI-PURE AND PURIGEN in its place, HOW are you going to add a HANG ON BACK skimmer if you have an eclipse system as well, there is NO ROOM for it? The fish, dusters, gorgonians, goby is fine IMHO, Coral banded is a great shrimp, assuming you dont get an agressive one. ADD FISH SLOWLY, check your perameters and Go for it with your small fish maybe if you upgrade your lighting, a small LT anemone for your clowns.. p.s im assuming you dont want to remove your present hood? They make a retrofit kit for your Eclipse that will upgrade to 65w power compact! Good Luck


Active Member
thanks so much for your help and imput. in all.. how much did the lighting cost and if i were to get the new hood how much would that cost. and since there is no room for a HOB skimmer or even filter, would the filter i have on it now be sufficient enough if i take out the cartridges and add say what you have on yours? and how would i do a skimmer thats not HOB without a sump?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GNorman
thanks so much for your help and imput. in all.. how much did the lighting cost and if i were to get the new hood how much would that cost. and since there is no room for a HOB skimmer or even filter, would the filter i have on it now be sufficient enough if i take out the cartridges and add say what you have on yours? and how would i do a skimmer thats not HOB without a sump?
Lighting,, check the big auction site you can get a pretty good one for under $200, how long is your tank? i think yours is like 30" across? im not sure,, once you start getting things going, you will remove the standard lighting completely it should pop out,, then when you get you new lighting just lay it right on top,, BRACKETS are NOT necessary,, I DO NOT recommend you have CORAL,, EVEN BASIC coral without a PS,, But now that you removed the light fixture and upgraded with the better one, YOU WILL have enough room to add an IMPORT and EXPORT for an external PS, then i think you will have enough filtration to handle your BIO-LOAD,, I cant tell you how much dissolved nutrients and crap my skimmer takes out daily!!! it is the most important part of filtration to any salt water tank! Good Luck!


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There getting closer i can hear em.. we woo we woo .. They may be on a break now tho.. They didnt get my call. I think my phones dead.. Someone else will be here soon. I know it..


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Originally Posted by TriGa22
There getting closer i can hear em.. we woo we woo .. They may be on a break now tho.. They didnt get my call. I think my phones dead.. Someone else will be here soon. I know it..
HAHAH well i thought you had to have ONE or 3 or more tangs in a tang but NEVER 2 !!!!! aka yellow and blue hippo


Active Member
ive got a small tank as well... i have a 30 gallon tank... a fowler right now with a cleaner shrimp its got some fish in there too lol


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Thats like 2 yellows wont do. Hes fine with the selection just needs to upgrade bout 100 galons lol


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Originally Posted by TriGa22
Thats like 2 yellows wont do. Hes fine with the selection just needs to upgrade bout 100 galons lol
this is a bad question buut here goes nothinggg lol
i want a blue hippo tang in my 30 gall tank along with a yellow tang.... in there now is a damsel and 2 clowns all about an inch in length. would that b etoo much i am planning on upgrading to a 100 plus gallon in the wall sooon liek end of this yr or begining of next.. what do you think? its not a aquapob but a standard tank with a lot of swiming room


Active Member
I wouldnt just to be safe. Your yellow and clowns and damsels i think is enough. I just dont want you loosing all of thoese fish. I would just upgrade at the end of the year or earlier next year and then buy the hippo. That just me. But I think its the safest way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
I wouldnt just to be safe. Your yellow and clowns and damsels i think is enough. I just dont want you loosing all of thoese fish. I would just upgrade at the end of the year or earlier next year and then buy the hippo. That just me. But I think its the safest way.
good thinkin what is one other small fish to put in i was thinkin a yeloow watchman or a bluegreen chromis or somehting like that you know lol ill wait on the hippo just a impulse question..


Active Member
Id go with the watchman or a small blenny. A chromis likes a school and you probably have no room for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Id go with the watchman or a small blenny. A chromis likes a school and you probably have no room for it.
yeah a bicolor blenny? or something with a good color assortment.
i was thining a angel (dwrf) but there is simply no rrom
or i wass thinking a tiger jawfish instead of the bi color blenny


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Originally Posted by highcottn1
i think i might hear the tang police coming
I am guilty as charged! BUT this is the HOLDING tank while the final touches are being done to my 150g