Eclipse 3 and a protein skimmer??


yes there are 3 skimmers you can use but you have to cut the hood with all 3 you can use the seaclone the cpr bak-pak or a lees cc small in tank


yes the bio wheel side that will work for the seaclone i havent used the bak-pak so im not sure about that i think ryebread did so he could help you with that one and the lees has to go on the side but there a pain go with one of the others


Active Member
Bad news guys. I got the CPR and it looks like it is too wide to put anywhere on the tank. Yes it will fit in some spots but, it will look like crap. Disappointing to say the least. It will not fit on the back of the tank at all.........too wide by 1/2". I was going to put it on the side but I will have to stare at the skimmer and powerhead assembly in the front of the tank.......bah!! I have decided to make a new canopy with lots of lights and I will put my CPR to good use. I am going to put my Eclipse hood on my Fresh Water tank.


New Member
OK, I saw the picture that twoods posted on 10/9 with a seaclone on an eclipse system.
Where does the air injector go?
Under the biowheel?


It's a personal choice, but on a 3 gallon tank you really don't need a skimmer. I had one on a 10 gallon nano that was removed because it didn't do much more than make noise. Do weekly water changes and save the money for something else.
Which is the final conclusion?? I have the Eclipse system running now- with LR and two powerheads- I DO NOT have a skimmer- MANY people have told me that the small hang on skimmers just make noise and don't do the job- opinions?? I am in the same boat


New Member
I am not sure how to copy and paste on this site, so I'll tell you where it is.
Go to Equipment&DIY
A thread called Eclipse Upgrade started 10/09/02
There is a nice picture by twoods
I am still wondering how it all fits



Originally posted by texasgiraffe
Which is the final conclusion?? I have the Eclipse system running now- with LR and two powerheads- I DO NOT have a skimmer- MANY people have told me that the small hang on skimmers just make noise and don't do the job- opinions?? I am in the same boat

System or hood? Let's get that part of it straight at the outset ;) .
If the tank is a 12 gallon or smaller Eclipse system, you won't get much benefit from the skimmer. If you do, then you have way too much in the tank and are overfeeding greatly. Small (10%) weekly water changes should do the trick. Once you get to a 30 gallon or larger tank, the skimmer should start to provide benefits.
How to get one into an eclipse hood system is a challenge far beyond my capabilities. I have the Eclipse 2 cover for a 20 gallon tank and it would definitely be a challenge to get one in there without screwing up the lid royally or interfering with the built in filter in the hood.