Eclipse 3 Lighting Upgrade


Active Member
Hello everyone,
I know we're all probably sick and tired of hearing about all the issues surrounding the Eclipse hoods, but one more shouldn't be too painful. :joy:
I currently have a 29g with two clownfish, two cleaner shrimp, LS, and about 20 lbs of LR. The lighting system consists of two 18-watt, 24" T8 bulbs. I've found that finding replacements for these bulbs is extremely difficult, as most 24" bulbs are 20 watts. I don't necessarily need more wattage, but I would like perhaps a 50/50 and an 03 Actinic (I'm not sure what the current ones are, but they say "Natural Daylight" on them and give off a not-so-pretty, yellowish light). My question is this: Does anyone know where I can find a 50/50 and/or 03 Actinic bulb that meets the requirements? I have also looked at an Eclipse 3 Retrofit kit that's a little on the expensive side that would give me more wattage than what's necessary, but one way or another I'm determined to get better lighting. I am open to suggestions and appreciate any input. Thanks in advance!


New Member
I've got almost the identical setup and have not had trouble finding bulbs. As much as I hate to admit it, I've had good luck finding bulbs for my Eclipse hoods at *****. Although my LFC will order them for me if they don't have them in stock.
micechat administrator


Active Member
I've looked at the bulbs at ***** before, and while they do have a 50/50 bulb that would work, it contains actinic 420 phosphor instead of the 03 actinic (I probably phrased that wrong but you'll get what I mean I hope
). I've read that it's better to have the 03 actinic light instead of the 420 phosphor. ***** also sells Coralife bulbs that sound great except the wattage is too high. I may end up going that route anyway though. Thanks for your input!


i doubt if the difference in the actinics is going to matter much with that low of wattage.....i'd go with the 50/50 you found if you're just looking for an appearance improvement....


I just got a pc retro from it is 24in, 96watt and easy to install, the bulb is a 50/50.


Active Member
So, if I were to purchase the Coralife 24" 65 Watt Single Strip Aqualight Retrofit Kit, it could be installed into my Eclipse hood with no problems? And also, would 65 watts be too much for my tank? I really appreciate everyone's input so far. I'm considering all options and you've all been very helpful. Thanks once again!



65 watts still isn't enough if you want to make a reef'll be fine for fish only.....but to make coral thrive you'll need alot more then 65 watts.....


Active Member
I am not looking to make my FOWLR into a reef tank, thanks though. I am merely interested in finding the cheapest and most effective way to switch out the bulbs in my current hood with ones that are more appealing and convenient. The specifications the bulbs must have to work in the hood's light fixtures are hindering, so I was looking at perhaps replacing the lighting system altogether.
If anyone knows how well the Coralife Retrofit Kit I mentioned above will work in my current hood, I am still interested in knowing. Thanks!


here's something for you, i have an eclipse 3 hood that i have retro fitted 130w of pc light into and am going to add 48watts of t-5 soon, also have grafted an aqua c remora skimmer into the side. There is a lot of room in there, just have to remove the existing light to see it . i suspended the lights and reflector on a peice of pcv pipe across the hood. After adding lights tank looks awesome. Much better color


Active Member
I'm looking for something a little more simple, like just a switch out of the current lights with the new ones. Do you know if the Coralife Retrofit Kit would work in the Eclipse 3 Hood I have?