Eclipse Hood or Better Alternative for QT?


Staff member
I was thinking of getting an eclipse 3 for a QT setup. I really don't care that much about lighting quality, but I would like some opinions on filtration quality. This is just for a QT. Any eclipse owners have opinions? Satisfied or not, recommendations, etc?


Active Member
I liked mine when I had it. Just have to rember to remove the carbon from the filter pad if edicating. Also, can be a litttle noisy if water level drops. Other than that, Mine worked great.


Staff member
Did you fit it with that PC retro-kit? Not that I care about lighting, it'll be just a QT, but I was curious how that would work out.


Active Member
I actually just used the light that came with it. I used it on a FO tank so did not care about the light. A friend has one with the PC retro. Fit like a champ. Took some convincing to get the wires through but the rest was like a glove.