eclipse system six


New Member
There's a LFS here in Hawaii and they have one on the counter with a large rock (with holes) and two Percula Clowns. They are both at least 2 inches long. They refuse to sell them because they've had them since they were very small, can't blame them.


New Member
I have one with 2 hermits, 3 snails, a coral banded shrimp, a baby sea urchin (which was a rock hitchhiker), a feather duster, scattered small pieces of live rock, and some caulerpa. Up for about 6 months now.

marine qa

Caulerpa is algae. Although many types have leaves. It is used to aid in biological filtration and it can look cool. I am going to use it in my sump with LR rubble and LS. It can grow to overtake a tank, so it needs to be occasionally cut back.
A quick question for anyone with caulpera experience: I've read that its important to properly acclimatize caulpera to prevent harsh specific gravity changes. Can this be done in the same way we acclimate fish?

mr . salty

Active Member
I have never acclimated any of my macro algae,or other sw plants.I just put them in,never had a problem...