Eco-Wheel anyone?

kris walker

Active Member
What do you think about the new Eco-Wheel? Here is the link I heard of on another board today:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Looks like a TRI HYBRID to me. 1 -BIO WHEEL 2-Wet/dry 3-Turf scrubber.......INTERESTING.......I am going too call them tomorrow If I get the chance.......see if they can give more detailed info on why it it works etc.......


i read about them b4, but no luck with how is it work or heard any thing about them
pleae post If you have any info
thank you


New Member
That is the first i have seen of that. I am using a Mud filter from ecosystems it works great no water changes got to love that.


Talked to the factory rep today. Basically you have to buy their tank. You can use your own but it has to have 2-2"bulkhead holes drilled and then on top of the unit you have to buy their surge box. He said there most common size isa 120 gallon 4'x2'x2' and the whole unit, acrylic tank included is around 5000.00..If anyone has the bucks to spend let me know how well the system works. BY theway the retro kit was around 600.00 without the needed surge box and the cost of having a tank drilled for the bulkheads.