ecosystem or amiracle mud filters


New Member
:confused: just wondering if any one has used the amiracle mudd filter is it the same as the ecosystem or shuld i just go for the real thing(ecosystem) any replys would be appreciated....thanks


Hey ccartag, definitely check out the above link. It will give you an indepth look at this system. I am currently looking for a similiar setup, but want to see if there is a cheaper your findings once a decision has been made. Tks


New Member
thanks of the replys i was just wondering if any one has used the amiracle brand iv"e read the ones for the ecosystem and if any one had any thoughts on one or the other but i called amiracle and ecosystem and thay say that its user prefrence i thing its more like the price iv"e found both at and fosters& for less than here meaning chicago so i"ll be buying the amiracle wich is a few inchs bigger than the ecosystem and its design for internal or external pump use thanks every one.... 75gal 4"bsd
150aquaclear wet/dry


I have the true ecosystem filter for my 75 gal, it hangs on the back of the tank. The water flow is EXTEMELY important and is very hard to copy with a "Bob Villa" type make it yourself. It is very specific. You get 7lbs of "mud" when you buy the system (at least I did) it was still very young at the time. As a matter of fact I did a post at the time and the moderators booted me off and took my post off when I was so excited about the ecosystem, I'm a realtor and could care a less about making a company $ but when I bought my system I was far am still VERY happy. I have loads of 'pods and calurpa growing and my water parameters are as good as the filter allows. One thing I did that f'd everything up was to use coppersafe. What a stupid thing to do and am still paying for it...on the next post:rolleyes: