Ecosystem Question?


Just have a couple of questions, one is that I have a 180 gallon acrylic reef, and I have a ecosystem I purchased, anyway its been established for almost a year, its doing great, but recently I have noticed a abundance of bristle worms in the ecosytsem, is this ok, or should I try to get rid of them and how?
Next question was for some time my tank has seem to look always a little stirred (cloudy) my tank has never been crystal clear, would you recommend anything that I could do? Everything else seems to be great.


if you do not run carbon, that may help to clear tank,
but start in small amounts of it.
bristleworms in an ecosystem i would think should be fine, as long as they dont make it into your main tank
personal preference, if you have an opportunity to catch one , get it out, dont want to get overrun with them