Ecosystem Scrubber as only filtration?


My local shop has been running a reef tank on an Caulerpa scrubber called an "ecosystem". Apparently that's the only filtration they use and the tank is beautiful and nitrate free after six months, I haven't bought any equipment yet but this method seems far more attractive than the skim & trickle setups. Also, they're charging $500 (canadian) for the unit. My question is, does anyone know whether this is a good option and is it tried and tested?


I looked into seriously doing this.... I think that is one of the best filter systems you can run.. water conditions stay perfect and fish love it... If you want it I would follow exactly how your LFS did. But buy it derectly from ecosystems... if you want the address you can email me. TJ
[ May 16, 2001: Message edited by: tjswanson ]

nm reef

Active Member
Echosystem products seem to do quite well......for 2 months now I've researched useing a echosystem 40 hang on refugium.........most people that use them say they are gr8........but they do keep the skimmer going.........that is the direction I'm going in.......hang on refugium and keep the cpr bacpac active also......


The company also claims that the ecosystem reverses HLLE. I'm definately considering one when I set up a reef tank(aggressive tank is next on the list :D ).

blue marlin

New Member
I am considering buying or building scrubber my self. I have a big tank and am always out of town so I need to have a system that can support my lifestyle.
Old Yeller Tang, you mentioned that it is easier to build one. You seem to know how to go about it; any ideas? Also how do I know how much algea I need for a 200 gal. reef.

blue marlin

New Member
Old Yeller Tang, how do I know your e-mail. I tried to send you a private message and the site would not allow me to do it! here is mine,
Thnaks, Carlito


$500??? That is too much. You can create an ecosystem with your wet-dry sump. The algae is about $10 for a 50-100 gal tank and get a 30-40 watts powercompact. Your set to go. I talked to many lfs and most them use algae and light in the sump....
good luck


I know $500 is a lot (don't forget that's Canadian $'s i.e. only $350US) but this is my first tank and though I've researched a bit I'm scared to build my own refugium and not sure whether it would work as well. If the sharks out there think a DIY refugium would be ok for a beginer and have the patience to explain it to me please email me


fwiw doesn't matter what system you use your input must match your output regardless. LFS has 2 eco systems 1 fish in each both have become cyano pits and have horrible red alga growth. but I've seen nice fellow reefers with good set system. You can make them cheaper than $500. Personal I prefer high skiming I never add trace except for feedings. eco systems you still need to add trace look at all there products. Doesn't matter what system you use you still need to add calicum. I have a big skimmer and have a caulerpa tank. Not for filter but to breed animals.I also like having a reactor= best way to keep calium and alk up.As for hlle a well feed fish in a reef usually doesn't get it.
[ May 28, 2001: Message edited by: Ironreef ]


Cyano pit? Is that cyanobacteria? How long has your LFS had the tanks running? What I found most amazing about the one at my LFS was the high bioload (4 fish in a 25 gal) that they've maintained for 6 months, but I guess that's not very long.
Now I'm worried about this kind of filtration. For the money I could go with a good skimmer, the ecosystem just seemed more natural and less work.


the tanks were up for a yr. But like I said before they can be good but husbantry is most important know matter what you do. i belive they were feeding all the eco trace crap.= high po4 and i belive they didn't have enough circulation in the main tank. But you can make an ecosystem cheaper. Look at the post ecosystem he just bought one.Its just a name its the cualerpa that does the filtering = nothing new