Ecosytem vs protein skimmer


New Member
I currently only have an Emperor 400 and a large canister filter in my 110 FOWLR. I am looking to add a protein skimmer and I ran across these Ecosytem Miracle Mud filters. They say you don't need a protein skimmer and they are only a little more expensive that the Berlin Turbos. Which way should I go?


don't use the ecosystem without a skimmer. After a while, you will start to get a lot of algae growth both in the ecosystem and in the main tank. they claim you don't need a skimmer, but my experience as well as every tank in my lfs, says you should have one. Plus, if my skimmer is continuously pulling out thick gunk, I figure it's better in my skimmer cup than in my tank!


that is exactly what I have on my reef (or soon to be....)
It is a 30gal with 7gal sectioned off and water from the larger section goes through a skimmer then heads to the refugium so it flows through. Hopefully my levels will be kept low this way...